Sunday, October 25, 2009

adeno:技术贴step 3 CCS 99 05 2009

adeno (天夺其魄) 于 (Wed May 6 16:22:43 2009) 提到:

的step 3经历",主要是在吃CK的老本;其他乏善可陈,成绩单里唯一的一个星号是

以前总把CCS和CS混淆,其实这两个有一个共同点就是open choices和uncertainty。在
CS的同学都知道LIQOR AAA和PAMHUGSFOSS的重要性。CCS也一样。网上比较流行的是


(1) what's to be managed?

知己知彼百战不殆。第一件事是要知道有什么是需要处理的。在读病史的时候要把这些要点记下来。这个mnemonic不make sense,就是好念: VASCODAL

V: abnormal vitals
A: age
S: sex
C: chief complaint
O: other symptoms to be managed
D: Diabetes
A: Allergy
L: Lifestyle to be modified (eg, smoking/alcohol/drug, etc)

(2) Emergency orders

如果病人不stable,在体检之前你要先stablize。下面是Emergency orders的checklist。当然不是每个人都要全套,你根据病人的需要,不要遗漏就是了。

I am so mean!

Airway suction,
Mechanical ventilation (of course, preceded by tracheal intubation),
Monitor (enter monitor, then select bp and cardiac),
Naloxone cocktail (naloxone, thiamine and D50)

(3) Physical examination

PE没啥特殊的。原则是: if the patient is in any distress (SOB, severe pain, not necessary unstable), do a focused PE; Otherwise, do a complete one

(4) Diagnostic orders


Blood: cbc, bmp, LFT, Mg, P, TSH, fT4, fT3, Cardiac enzyme,
PT/PTT, Blood Culture, Lipid profile, etc
Urine: UA, culture,etc
Other: EKG, FEV1, PEFR
Imaging: CXR, KUB, CT, etc

5. Treatment plan

ADMIT P ICU (Admit Patient to ICU)

Activity: bed rest, ambulate, etc
Diet: low salt, low fat, NPO, soft food, blahblah
Modification of Lifestyle (Avoid Caffeine, etc )
IV fluids
Treatment (Medication/Procedure)

Precaution: Seizure precaution, aspiration precaution, skin care, DVT and stress ulcer

Compressive stocking
upper GI protection (or ulcer prevention, whatever) (ranitidine, pantoprazole, etc)

(These 3 are for ICU only)

7. Monitor: 下了order后要注意治疗效果。根据病情关注下列指征。

History&Physical, Urine output, BP, Sat, H&H (bleeding) CBC (infection), BMP (Electrolyte), ABG, PT/INR/PTT, LFT, etc, neuro check (for altered mental status)

8. Discharge: Rated SexPM

RatedSex see Neeraj
Prevention (screening and vaccination, age appropriate)
Medication side effects and adherence

就这些。有一点很重要的没有提到,就是location。什么时候换,换哪里没有一定之规,自己用common sense吧。Neeraj有更详细的讨论。


附录: empirical antibiotic use (stripped from UW88 and Shaher CD)

Common ID and abx use:

AOM and sinusitis: amoxicillin
IE: Vancomycin + Gentamycin
cholecystisis, ampicillin + gentamycin, or cefuroxime monotherapy
cholangitis or necrotizing pancreatitis: Imipenem
appendicitis, diverticulitis: cipro + flagyl
perforation: Ampicillin + Gentamycin + Metronidazole
Pyelonephritis, urosepsis: ceftriaxone
PID: Cefoxitin + Doxycycline
infant sepsis/meningitis: ampicillin + cefotaxime
COPD exacerbation: levoquin
pneumonia: CAP outpatient: azithro
CAP inpatient: levoquin
hospital acquired levo + pipera
fibrile neutropenia: vanco + ceftazidime. Or piperacillin + tobra if G+ is not a concern
prostatitis: ofloxacin
meningitis: vancomycin + ceftriaxone
arthritis: Gono -- Cetriaxone
non-gono -- nafcillin + cipro
cystitis: TMP/SMZ, amoxicillin, cipro, nitrofurantoin
diabetes cellulitis: cefazolin
trichomonas vaginalis and bacterial vaginosis: metranidazole
mastitis: nafcillin
bronchial foreign body after brochoscope retrieval:
Methylprednisolone, IV, one time
Cefazolin, IV, one time

抱歉的是里面有很多缩写。你考到step 3就明白是什么了,我就不一一翻译了。

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